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Vice President of Robotis Choi Sung, Awarded by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy… Will Bring Forward the Era of ‘One Person, One Robot’

Vice President of Robotis Choi Sung, Awarded by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy… Will Bring Forward the Era of ‘One Person, One Robot’

Posted by Kim Jun-hyeok on 14th Mar 2024

산업통상자원부장관 표창 최대성 로보티즈 부사장…'1인1로봇' 시대 앞당길 것 [2023 로보월드] [Original Article]

I feel grateful and a heavy sense of responsibility for receiving such a grand award, despite my shortcomings in many areas.

ROBOTIS’ vision is to research technologies that are helpful to society through the exploration of human life and experiences, and to advance the era of one robot per person so that humans can lead more humane lives. Currently, in addition to robots, it is growing as a medium for communicating and sharing experiences with customers around the world in various fields such as film, art, education, medicine, aerospace, and automation industries.

The results of our efforts to communicate and grow with customers through DYNAMIXEL over the past 20 years and pioneer the global market are gradually becoming visible. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with us and share this honor with us. Robots are considered the exclusive property of special people with high-level technology. ROBOTIS hopes to contribute to the popularization and generalization of robot technology so that anyone can create robots by communicating with customers through various channels. Based on this, we will help to make the status of Korea as a robot powerhouse known to the world.