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Lotte Global Logistics and ROBOTIS to Conduct Autonomous Delivery Robot Demonstration Project

Lotte Global Logistics and ROBOTIS to Conduct Autonomous Delivery Robot Demonstration Project

Posted by Min Kyung-ha on 15th Mar 2024

롯데글로벌로지스, 로보티즈와 자율주행 배송로봇 실증 사업 진행 [Original Article]

Lotte Global Logistics announced on the 23rd that it will conduct an on-site demonstration project for an autonomous parcel delivery robot together with robot specialist ‘ROBOTIS’ until the 22nd of next month. The delivery robot model for this demonstration project is the 4th generation, latest model, ‘GAEMI’, an outdoor autonomous robot developed by ROBOTIS. Lotte Global Logistics will conduct a demonstration using ‘GAEMI’ to deliver ordered products from its ‘Smart Small Fulfillment Center ( MFC )’ in Goyang-si and ordered products in an apartment complex in Paju. 

Since January of this year, Lotte Global Logistics has been operating a smart MFC in Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do using its own automated facilities and operation platform . After this demonstration, the content will be improved and the second phase of the delivery robot pilot service will be conducted in 2024. Lee Hyun-mok, head of the new business division at Lotte Global Logistics, said, “Through on-site demonstrations of delivery robots, we plan to further enhance our operational capabilities and expand the scope of application.”