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Intelligent Robot Act Amendment Enforced...Robots Can Move Freely on Sidewalks

Intelligent Robot Act Amendment Enforced...Robots Can Move Freely on Sidewalks

Posted by Lee Dong-geun on 14th Mar 2024

지능형 로봇법 개정안 시행...로봇도 보도 자유롭게 이동 가능 [Original Article]

The robot industry is working hard to advance technology and establish commercialization as the revised 'Intelligent Robot Development Promotion Act (Intelligent Robot Act)', which includes content such as allowing autonomous robots to drive on sidewalks, goes into effect on the 17th. On the 16th, Robotis' autonomous delivery robot 'Ant' is running in the rain near Magoknaru Station in Gangseo-gu, Seoul, and checking its waterproof performance.