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Autonomous robots deliver at campsites

Autonomous robots deliver at campsites

Posted by Shin Young-bin on 15th Mar 2024

캠핑장서 자율주행 로봇이 배달한다 [Original Article]

ROBOTIS, a company specializing in autonomous driving robots, announced on the 23rd that it signed a business agreement (MOU) with Panda Caravan for the introduction of autonomous driving robots to campsites. Starting with this agreement, ROBOTIS plans to sequentially introduce the outdoor autonomous driving robot 'GAEMI' to campsites owned by Panda Caravan.

In the case of campsites, each camping site or caravan is often far from a convenience store. Users had to use electric kickboards or, if they did not have a separate means of transportation, walk to buy food ingredients, firewood, and other daily necessities.

ROBOTIS' autonomous driving robot 'GAEMI' can provide a constant delivery service. Campgrounds do not need to deploy separate personnel for nighttime delivery service. ROBOTIS' autonomous driving robot 'GAEMI' is currently providing various delivery services in campgrounds, apartment complexes, resorts, golf courses, etc. It has also been introduced to Songdo International Campground and is performing delivery work.

Kim Byeong-su, CEO of ROBOTIS, said, "Since the enforcement of the Intelligent Robot Act on the 17th, inquiries about outdoor autonomous driving robots have been increasing," and "We will expand the market based on the outdoor autonomous driving big data and operational know-how we have accumulated so far."

Meanwhile, Panda Caravan is a camping specialist that has been researching and developing smart camping and caravans since 2012. It was the first in Korea to apply negative pressure unit technology to caravans.