Base Plate-02 (OpenManipulator-X) This product has a 2-3 week lead time. Feature Base Plate-02 is made of aluminum and used for fixing OpenMANIPULATOR-X (RM-X52) Can be used to install a manipulator on a table. It can be fixed with a clamp. (Clamp is not... $179.70 Add to Cart Compare
OpenManipulator-X Frame Set (RM-X52) This product currently has a 2-3 week lead time. Features This product is a frame set which can make X430 based OpenMANIPULATOR-X. You can assemble an OpenMANIPULATOR (4 DOF Arm + 1 DOF Gripper) which is the same as... $273.70 Add to Cart Compare
OpenManipulator-X (RM-X52-TNM) Features Compact open source robot based on ROS.Product Name: OpenManipulator-XModel Name: RM-X52-TNM It has a high payload as DYNAMIXEL XM-430 model is applied. Easy to use with PC or mobile platform such as TB3 Waffle Pi. Provides source code and... $1,416.60 Add to Cart Compare