SALE DYNAMIXEL RX-64 6pcs Bulk - This package contains only RX-64 in bulk (does not include accessories such as frames, washer, bushing, nuts, cables, and bolts). **This product has been discontinued. This product will no longer be available once the current stock has... $1,399.50 $979.65 Add to Cart Compare
SALE DYNAMIXEL RX-64 HN05NA1 **This product has been discontinued. This product will no longer be available once the current stock has been depleted.** Dynamixel is an exclusive smart actuator and an all-in-one module composed of a reduction gear head, controller, driver and... $279.90 $195.93 Add to Cart Compare
FR07-G101GM Set Features Gripper frame for DARwIn-OP RX-10/24F/28 and MX-28.Can be applied on a Humanoid Robot Manipulator etc. in order to grip objects. Includes Bearing (HN07-I101 Set) and Screws so that it can be assembled with DYNAMIXEL.Has high strength due to... $131.30 Add to Cart Compare
SALE ZIG2Serial **This product has been discontinued. This product will no longer be available once the current stock has been depleted.** The ZIG2Serial is a wireless device that communicates with the ZIG-100 or BT110 via RS232 signals. When using the PC to... $14.90 $10.43 Add to Cart Compare