About Us
ROBOTIS is a global robot solutions provider and one of the leading manufacturers of robotic hardware. ROBOTIS is the exclusive producer of the DYNAMIXEL brand of all-in-one smart servos. We specialize in the manufacture of robotic hardware and full robot platforms for use in all fields of study and industry, as well as educational robotics kits for all ages and skill levels.
Due to our focus on innovation and collaboration with industry-leading professionals,

ROBOTIS is able to provide customized solutions to fit the needs of almost any application. ROBOTIS hardware can be found powering state-of-the-art technology including human-interactive service robots, last-mile delivery drones, medical assistant robots, search and rescue robots, and much more. With a range of sizes, power levels, and features offered by DYNAMIXEL smart actuators, DYNAMIXELs are used in all professional and industrial fields including automation, defense, animatronics, special effects, medical, agriculture, and any application with a need for precision motion components.
ROBOTIS was derived from a simple open-ended, philosophical question, "What is a robot?".
Thus, our name ROBOTIS = "ROBOT IS..."
This is an open-ended question, and each of our customers has a different answer based on their own vision and dreams. We strive to develop products that can be used to advance all humankind and transcend robotics from the role of "intelligent appliances" into more personal, universal roles. Through the advancement of robotics, we hope to apply our creativity and expertise to create products that will change the world.
For more information, or interest in collaboration or working more closely with ROBOTIS, please Contact Us.