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National Assembly and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy officials visit autonomous robot company ROBOTIS

National Assembly and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy officials visit autonomous robot company ROBOTIS

Posted by Jang Gil-su on 7th Apr 2023

국회산업부 관계자, 자율주행로봇 기업 로보티즈 방문 [Original Article]

ROBOTIS (CEO Kim Byung-soo), a company specializing in autonomous robots, was the first company to be included in the outdoor autonomous robot regulatory sandbox, and on the 6th, it held an event at ROBOTIS headquarters to introduce its autonomous robot business model and application technology to officials from the National Assembly and government agencies.

This visit was attended by Yoon Kwan-seok, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Industry, Trade, Energy, SMEs and Startups Committee, Yang Geum-hee, Jeong Il-young, Senior Expert Commissioner Lee Sang-heon, Joo Young-joon, Director of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s Industrial Policy Bureau, Son Woong-hee, President of the Korea Robot Industry Advancement Institute, Seo Gil-won, Director of the Future Automobile Industry Division of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and Kim Ki-yeol, Director of the Machinery, Robotics and Aviation Division. The delegation had time to learn about ROBOTIS, demonstrate indoor and outdoor autonomous driving robot services, and check out the progress made on autonomous driving.

The fact that members of the National Assembly’s Industry and Commerce Committee and officials from major government ministries visited to learn about the latest technological trends in autonomous robots amid the recent passage of the Intelligent Robot Act amendment, which serves as the legal basis for the operation of delivery robots, is significant.

ROBOTIS CEO Kim Byeong-su said, “Following the passage of the Road Traffic Act amendment, the Intelligent Robot Act amendment is also expected to pass the National Assembly plenary session, so we expect to be able to attempt various commercialization attempts using outdoor autonomous driving robots,” adding, “We expect to see delivery robots driving on the streets as early as the fourth quarter of this year.”

Meanwhile, following the ROBOTIS on-site inspection, the event moved to LG Electronics and included a tour of the LG Innovation Gallery to examine the latest technology trends in robots and future car parts.