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Japan Hospital Introduces Korea's First K-Autonomous Robot... Demonstration Testing Begins

Japan Hospital Introduces Korea's First K-Autonomous Robot... Demonstration Testing Begins

Posted by ​Kim Yang-seop on 5th Apr 2024

ROBOTIS Co., Ltd. (CEO Kim Byeong-su), a company specializing in autonomous driving robots, announced on the 15th that it will conduct a verification test of the indoor autonomous driving robot 'GAEMI' at Japan's 'Shonan Kamakura General Hospital' until the 22nd.

'Shonan Kamakura General Hospital' is a hospital located in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It is a huge prefecture with a population of 9 million, located just south of the capital, Tokyo. This hospital is famous locally for operating an emergency room 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Japan, like Korea, is seeking various measures such as autonomous robots to utilize manpower and improve work efficiency, such as night shifts, and it seems that they are considering introducing ROBOTIS' 'GAEMI'.

In particular, 'Shonan Kamakura Hospital' is part of the 'Tokushukai' group, the largest hospital group in Japan, and if the operation of ROBOTIS' 'GAEMI' is confirmed, the service could be expanded to the entire group in the future, so there is a lot of interest in this verification test.

First, 'GAEMI' will conduct tests on the delivery of documents and items in hospitals. During the verification period, it will provide a service for delivering medical records between the staff station on the 13th floor of the hospital and the general affairs department on the 3rd floor, or for delivering items purchased at the convenience store on the 1st floor.

An official from Kamakura Hospital stated that the reason for choosing ROBOTIS' "GAEMI" was that "the fact that the autonomous robot can move between floors by directly pressing the elevator button will be a great help in improving work efficiency" and "also, ROBOTIS has a history of carrying out projects supported by the Japanese government, so it is somewhat trustworthy."

In fact, 'GAEMI' has already made inroads into various fields in Japan. It began supplying to 'The Rise Hotel Kitashinchi' in May of last year, and is currently being used at the Henn na Hotel Laguna Ten Bosch branch, HIS headquarters, etc.

Meanwhile, ROBOTIS plans to enhance its corporate image as a leader in the autonomous robot and service robot markets in Japan. To this end, it will participate in the largest hospitality trade show in Japan, Hoteles Japan 2024 (HCJ 2024), held from the 13th to the 16th (local time), to actively promote K-robots and lay the groundwork for market penetration.

ROBOTIS CEO Kim Byeong-su said, "Just like in Korea, Japan is also facing increasing labor costs and labor shortages, and the need for service robots is growing, and they are emerging as a future business." He added, "We will actively promote 'GAEMI' to all places in Japan that need service robots, such as hotels and hospitals, and position ourselves as a leading company in the service delivery robot market in Japan."